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A Very Sweet National Ice Cream Month!

A Very Sweet National Ice Cream Month!

Ice cream is one of those childhood treats we seem to never outgrow. In fact, our founder Kirsten is so fond of it, she devoted her entire career to exploring the science behind it and creating new, delicious variations of ice creams. We truly believe ice cream is one of the most magical foods on Earth and we want to share that with you! We've put together the ultimate guide to ice cream which includes everything from a fascinating look at the history of ice cream, the magical science behind the best scoops, where to find the best vegan ice cream and fun facts about ice cream around the world.

There is so much to know about the wonder-filled world of ice cream and we’re excited to share our knowledge!

Don’t love dairy? There are plenty of reasons why it might be a good idea to move beyond dairy-based ice cream in its current form: love of animals, concern about the effect of animal agriculture on the environment, lactose intolerance, dairy allergies, or for general well-being purposes. Don’t let these stop you from indulging in the world’s favorite frozen treat! Ice cream has evolved over centuries, and we’re excited to be a part of the latest plant-based revolution in frozen treats.

In celebration of National Ice Cream Month, we'll be dropping ice cream knowledge each week. Be sure to check back to learn more!

Let’s get churning!